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#7. Gospodarsko poslopjeje v nadstropje zgrajen objekt podolžnega tlorisa s "kozolcem" na sprednji strani in odprto lopo ob desni stranski fasadi. Stavba je služila različnim namenom: v levem delu je bila vinska klet, nad njo "pod", kjer so s cepci mlatili žito, v desnem delu pa je bil hlev oz. "štala". Medtem ko so bila tla v njegovem prebivališču ilovnata, je živini v "štali"' položil lesene podnice ter na ta način hlev tudi lažje očistil.
Razstavljeno orodje: sadni mlin, brusni kamen v stojalu na nožni pogon, "preša" - stiskalnica za grozdje, mlatilnica, "telege" - jarem , ročni vozički, "babe" za škopanje, lesena samokolnica "šajtrga", "šrotarca" .
The farm house is a rectangularly planned, storied building with a drying-frame - "kozolec" on the front side and an open shed at the right side façade of the building. The building had different functions; on the left there was a wine cellar and above it on the first floor was "pod" - a place where grain was threshed with flails. At the right end of the building was a s
The exhibited tools are: a mill for fruit, a foot-driven grinding wheel, a wine press - "preša", a tresher, a yoke - "telege", a handcart, a rake for thatching, a wooden wheelbarrow - "šajterga", a quern -"šrotarca"...
All rights of this site are reserved. Author: Boštjan Burger, July 2005