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V času med obema vojnama je bilo v Rogatcu, že od nekdaj znanem sejemskem in trgovskem kraju - poleg nekaj specializiranih - kar pet trgovin z mešanim blagom. Po njihovem vzoru je urejena tudi muzejska trgovina oz. "lodn", kakor so jo imenovali domačini (nem. "der Laden" = trgovina). V "lodnu" se je dobilo vse za vsakodnevne domače potrebe, od vžigalic, soli, sladkorja, moke, olja, kisa, petroleja, tekstila in pijač do poljedelskega orodja, emajlirane posode, železnine, deloma tudi obutve. Oprema v trgovinah je bila lesena, ponavadi že precej izrabljena. Za pultom, na katerem so bile pritrjene reklamne In the period of time between the two wars there were, beside some specialized shops, all together five grocer's shops in Rogatec, which has long before become a renowned market town. The grocer's in the museum has been arraged according to these shops and it was named "lodn" (from German "der Laden") because the natives used to call it so. In "lodn" you could get everything a household needed, from matches, salt, sugar, flour, oil, vinegar, petoleum, textile and drinks to agricultural implements, pots with enamel coating, iron ware, and partly also footwear. The fittings at the grocer's were made of wood and were usually pretty worn out. Behind the counter with commercial adds, there were drawers, shelves, crates and barrels filled with all sorts of goods. On the counter there were jars filled with candy, scales, a measuring tool, an arithmetic book and a pencil. Tills were rarely to be found at grocer's in those days as were display windows. These sort of shops provided the Rogatec population with everything that any household needed, and at the grocer's you could always hear news and gossip for absolutely free.
All rights of this site are reserved. Author: Boštjan Burger, July 2005